Monday, March 17, 2014

Cosmo-Con Scores


 Out of 5 stars, scored a 2.6.

The lowest marks for The Modern come in the category of taste, which they received an average of 2.3 stars of 5.
The highest marks for The Modern came in the category of presentation, which they received an average of 3 stars of 5.


Out of 5 stars, scored a 3.4 .

The lowest marks for The Bar came in the category of Buzz Factor, which they received an avg of 2.9 stars of 5.
The highest marks for The Bar came in the category of Presentation, which they received an avg of 4 stars of 5.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


If our little group of friends were to have a signature cocktail, one that defines us, one that we go back to time and again (if for no other reason than to be set adrift on the wave of memories that the taste evokes)—it would be the beautiful, the illustrious, the sleek, the stylish, the lovely:  The Cosmopolitan.  The first drink my great friend and cocktail savant extraordinaire, Dirty Maybone, mixed me was a cosmopolitan.  It is a cocktail that has seen our small group of friends from difficult times to wedding celebrations to the formation of our much sought after cocktail club (The Accidental Drunks—yo!).  So, for our first Boise cocktail tour, we felt the cosmopolitan wasn’t just the most appropriate choice, it was the only choice.

Therefore, might I introduce you to:  Cosmo-Con.  

What is Cosmo-Con?  

Why, I’m so glad you asked.  Cosmo-Con is a 10 stop tour of Boise bars in search of the ultimate cosmopolitan.  We have compiled a list of Boise bars that are sure to please and all of which are well known for their solid mixology (requirements were:  must be IN Boise and must be a local business—no chains!  Oh…and we threw one dive bar into the mix…just because we could).  We would love for you to join us as, in our experience, the better the company, the better the cosmo (everybody knows that). 

There will be score sheets to fill out (a simple numbering system…we will be drinking after all).  There will be discussion.  There may even be a little drunken debate (it happens…).  Some of us will review the stops on Yelp.  If you haven’t had very many cosmopolitans in your life or if you have NEVER had a cosmo--no worries…you’ll be a Cosmopolitan expert by the time the tour is done.  We welcome all. 

Who will be crowned Queen of the Cosmos?  It’s anybody’s guess.  One thing I know for sure—spirited conversation over cosmos leads to beautiful friendships, awesome adventures, and the occasional army crawl across the floor (*shrugs* hey…it happens…).  

So, buckle up, my people…buckle up…

The Agenda:

2/23—Cosmo-Con kicks off at 8pm at The Modern

3/9:  The Bar (located inside The Grove Hotel), 8pm

3/27:  Mai Thai, 8pm

4/11:  Fork, 8pm

4/27:  Barbacoa, 4:30pm

5/12:  Red Feather, 8pm

5/22:  Plan B (located adjacent to Berryhill—in the same building), 8pm

6/13:  Front Door, 8pm

6/29:  Bardenay (downtown Boise location), 8pm.

7/7:  Final tally and last stop on the Cosmo-Con train, The Cactus, 8pm.

Other details:
Our beautiful and talented, Tanker, has once again worked her magic and created an amazing t-shirt design (if the Cosmopolitan were a t-shirt…it would look exactly like this one).  So, if you want one (it features the name—Cosmo-Con—on the front and the list of stops on the back—there's a pic posted in events section), you must supply her with a black t-shirt and $10 By January 30.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Chiro

I, honestly, don't see how it is possible that every member of the Accidental Drunks has managed to create their self-titled cocktail in such a way that each cocktail is so completely distinct from the others--we really are a fine group of cocktail savants (with Dirty Maybone, leading the charge as the original "cocktail savant").

Today, I bring to you, The Chiro.  This cocktail is, in a word, decadent.  Springing forth from the mind of easily one of our most entertaining, amusing, and just plain delightful members, this cocktail is a confectionary masterpiece.  It's a nostalgic vintage ice-cream shoppe meets a cutting-edge high-end lounge specializing in creative infusions.  The traditional milkshake has grown up, put her big girl panties on, and got just a little bit lushy.  I mean, my God, my saucy sweeties, it's a milkshake for grown-ups.  The very idea has me clapping my hands in giddy delight.  So, without further ado:

The Chiro

2 c. Vanilla Ice Cream, softened
2 shots Whipped Vodka 
2 shots Dragon Fruit Infused Vodka


Begin by either using red cake decorator gel or chocolate sauce to write "Chiro" on the inside of a martini glass.  Blend all ingredients and pour into martini glass.  Sprinkle with red colored sugar.         

Sunday, July 1, 2012


The idea for the Razmatazz was born in a booze filled dream had by Ophelia (aka, me). 
Quick, let’s see a show of hands—who finds themselves terribly shocked by the fact that I dream of booze?  Anybody?  ANYBODY?  Bueller?  No?  Yeah.  Me neither. 
Onto the dream:  I dreamed I was at a bar when a cocktail waiter sauntered past with a gorgeous red number on his tray.  “Ooooohhhh,” I’d crooned, “what kind of cocktail is that?”  He flashed a pearly white smile, “Why, The Razmatazz, of course.”  “Mmmm…Why don’t you bring it and your gorgeous self right on over here,” I said with a wink.  And, then…well…let’s just leave the dream off there before this becomes awkward.

So, upon awakening, I immediately informed my fellow Accidental Drunks of the dream.  They, in turn, suggested that creating The Razmatazz in the waking world be my new cocktail challenge.  And, so my jazzy friends, I present:

The Razzmatazz

1 shot Navan (vanilla cognac)
1 shot Chambord
Splash of raspberry mixer
Slightly larger splash of Club soda
Raw sugar (for rim)

Line the rim of an old fashioned with raw sugar.  Add ice to the glass along with Navan , Chambord, and raspberry mixer.  Stir.  Fill the rest of the glass with club soda, stir again.  Serve with a raspberry garnish.

I have also successfully mixed this with the addition of a little vodka (1/2 shot or so) to the mix (really…what isn’t better with a little vodka?).  You could also try it by replacing the Navan with vanilla infused vodka and it would still rock.  Whatever you do, though, don't get all crazy and think you can try it with vanilla infused rum—it'll go from--lovely sweetness to--omg I think I may go into sugar shock--with a tip of the glass.


Friday, May 4, 2012

The Cannonball Jack

And, now, my darling drunks…for the frightening. 
The Cannonball Jack is the sort of drink that when presented, you feel a little bit of genuine fear.  Murky green in color with a giant ice cannonball, this cocktail can be a little intimidating.  Then you take a sip…mmm…oh yeah…sweet lime and whiskey goodness!  Give me more! 
It is like a Whiskey Sour on steroids.  This is not a drink for the faint of heart—you gotta have just a little bit of that drunken pirate spirit to take on The Cannonball Jack.  A warning though:  When Jack debuted this drink, by the second cocktail, Tanker was making phone calls to contacts in remote locations arranging sailing lessons as we all had decided we were going to “get a pirate ship” and “take to the high seas.”  I have no idea.  It sounded like such a sound plan at the time.  Proceed with caution, my friends, proceed with caution!

The Cannonball Jack

2 shots whiskey (we recommend Pendleton)
½ shot Parfait Amour
1 shot frozen limeade concentrate (thawed)
½ shot water

Shake and serve over an ice ball in an Old Fashioned.  Garnish with lemon or lime.